East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE) with funding from the Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances (EELA) project in East and Southern Africa held a workshop at Best Western Dodoma City Hotel, Tanzania on the 22nd and 23rd of August 2024. The workshop aimed to validate the EAC Energy Efficiency Policy, Regional Compliance framework and Energy Performance Label. National consultations and a regional harmonization meeting on the Draft EAC Energy Efficiency Policy and Regional Compliance Framework had been conducted before. The East African Community Secretariat and Senior officers from the Ministries responsible for Energy in East African Community (EAC) Partner States participated in the workshop. Mr. Adrapkwo George, Director of Hydropower Projects Dams Implementation Unit, Ministry of Energy and Dams Republic of South Sudan chaired the workshop.
In July 2022, the EAC adopted the regional Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for lighting whereas regional MEPS for cooling appliances (residential refrigerators and air conditioners) are expected to be adopted in 2024. The EAC Energy Efficiency Policy, Regional Compliance Framework and Energy Performance Label will play a key role in enforcing the MEPS for lighting, cooling, and other energy products. The Energy Performance Label will guide the consumers to make the right decision on energy efficiency when purchasing energy products. The label displays the energy efficiency classes of the products. The EAC EE Policy will guide the stakeholders on how to implement energy efficiency projects and systems in Uganda, and the Regional Compliance Framework will support the implementation of regionally harmonized energy policies.
During the workshop, Mr. Elsam Turyahabwe from the EAC Secretariat informed that Partner States are working towards increased energy access, more effort has been focused on renewable energy and less on energy efficiency whereas energy efficiency should be considered when deploying renewable energy technologies.
The next steps in the validation process include organizing three virtual validation workshops for the EAC Energy Efficiency Policy, Regional Compliance framework and Energy Performance Label. The United Republic of Tanzania to conduct further engagements regarding national consultations on the EAC Energy Efficiency (EE) Policy, Regional Compliance framework, and Energy Performance Label. Lastly, to engage the EAC Quality Assurance Committee on the implementation of the EAC Energy Performance Label.
[1] https://eacreee.org/article/regional-validation-workshop-eac-ee-policy-regional-compliance-framework-and-energy-label