STAR C project will support East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE) to deliver two virtual sessions termed Capacity Building Workshop on Harmonisation of Curriula and Training for solar PV for EAC Region. The objective of the Workshop is to enable EACREEE set up a dialogue and structure for common Accreditation and quality assurance of Solar PV and solar thermal training curriculums at Higher Education level through collaborations with the Inter-University Council of East Africa(IUCEA). The Workshop is scheduled for 17-18 April 2024 and it will be conducted virtually. Participants from various Research Centres, Higher Institutions of Learning and officials from Ministries of Energy from partner states with in the EAC region will grace the workshop.
The Workshop is an initiative under the STAR C Project, intended to create an environment for training on regional solar energy qualification frameworks and curricula in the EAC region. The International Network of Solar Technology and Application Resource Centre (STAR C) project is implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) with financial support from the Government of France
STAR C is established with an objective to enhance Regional Solar energy quality infrastructure frameworks in ISA member states particularly in least developed countries(LDCs) and Small Island developing states (SIDs). The first phase of the STAR C project is implemented within the scope of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) focusing on the East African Community(EAC) through EACREEE, Pacific Community (SPC) and ECOWAS community.
This initiative will have a positive impact on market uptake for solar products by strengthening quality infrastructure and Standards for Solar PV and Solar thermal products in the region. In the context of the project, the development of Regional Solar Energy Qualification framework and curricula in the EAC will harmonize the qualification of solar professionals and contribute to the uptake of high quality solar products and systems in the EAC region. This will influence the EAC Partner States to work together on regulation of the solar market in the region.