Applications for the 21st edition of the Micro-Grid Academy are now open. The new online session, to be held between the 25th of January and the 3rd of February 2022, will focus on solar mini-grids through the guide of the MGA standard curriculum. Relevant topics will be renewable and non-Renewable generation solutions, renewable energy resources, and community needs assessment providing an overview of the whole mini-grids’ value chain for rural electrification and hands-on learning about renewable energy technology.
This edition will be held online via video lectures and, if possible it will be complemented by a field visit to St. Kizito’s VTI and/or to Strathmore University, Solar Energy Research Center in Nairobi.; in addition, possible field visits (to be confirmed) will be organized in Ethiopia and Uganda. Upon successful completion of the 21st edition of the MGA, the participants will receive certificates of attendance.
To apply, applicants should complete the application form uploading their CV, motivation letter, and accept our Terms and Conditions. A notification email should be sent to [1]
For more information, please refer to the full application pack. [2]
Deadline for applications: 11th of January 2022 at 12.00PM CET.