EAC Public-Private Sector Renewable Energy Policy Dialogue - Kigali, Rwanda

Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 to Thursday, May 23, 2019

The East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE) in collaboration with the Energy Private Developers (Rwanda) is organizing EAC Public-Private Sector Renewable Energy Policy Dialogue scheduled to take place at Marriott Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda, 22-23 May 2019.


The main purpose of this dialogue is to discuss challenges that hinder rapid deployment of renewable energy technologies in the EAC region by the private sector. At the end of the dialogue, we intend to come up with (i) public-private sector consensus on the way forward on renewable energy deployment and investment in the EAC region (ii) private sector advocacy for its investment facilitation – in the form of recommendations on policy, regulations and tax harmonization in renewable energy sector, and (iii) how public-private cooperation can enhance quality standards of renewable energy equipment.


The dialogue is expected to be attended by about 60 people from energy ministries of the EAC Partner States, energy promotion agencies of the EAC Partner States, energy regulatory agencies of the EAC Partner States, revenue authority from the EAC Partner States, EAC Secretariat, international organizations, development partners, national private sector federations/foundations from EAC partner states, private companies dealing with renewable energy and other relevant stakeholders.


Applicants should complete the standard EACREEE Nomination Form for meetings and submit by E-Mail to info@eacreee.org by  2nd May 2019.

Financial Arrangements:

There will be no participation fees charged. The organizers will provide lunches and coffee breaks during the training course.

The organizers are generally not in a position to bear the travel and other costs of participants in the conference. The organizers have, however, limited funds at their disposal to help cover the travel, accommodation and meals costs for certain participants. Such assistance may be offered upon specific request to two participant per country provided that, in our view, the participant on whose behalf assistance is requested will make crucial contributions to the conference. If such assistance is required, indicate specific requests in the nomination form, which should be endorsed by the participants employer and submitted to info@eacreee.org not later than 2nd May 2019.

Contact Persons:

Mr. Michael Kiza

Programme Management Expert

East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE),

Address: Makerere University, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology 

E-Mail: M.kiza@eacreee.org; info@eacreee.org



Vice Chairman & Director of Operations and Development

Energy Private Developers (EPD)

KG566Street, Kacyiru

Email: edouard@epdrwanda.com; endayisaba@gmail.com    

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