Building High-Level Support and National Capacities to enhance Climate and Ozone Protection through Cooling Efficiency

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

In 2010, the UN Environment (formerly UNEP) launched a global initiative to help developing and emerging markets quickly and comprehensively transition to energy-efficient lighting, room air conditioners, household refrigerators, electric motors and transformers. U4E in collaboration with EACREEE the Rwanda Cooling Initiative (R-COOL) that has produced an award-winning National Cooling Strategy, MEPS and labelling for ACs and refrigerators and product registration system recommendations, among others.

Under the curent project ‘Building High-Level Support and National Capacities to Enhance Climate and Ozone Protection through Cooling Efficiency’, U4E is supporting EACREEE to facilitate policy harmonization on refrigerating appliances and air conditioners (cooling products) in the EAC region, building upon years of in-kind partnership between the organizations. 

Specific project activities include:

  • Conduct a market assessment in EAC to understand the refrigerating appliance and room air conditioner product stock, general market dynamics and trends.
  • Developing technical notes for refrigerating appliances and air conditioners
  • Developing MEPS and Labelling for Cooling Appliances
  • Developing EAC Regional Cooling Strategy.

This project is being implemented in synergy with another project, ‘Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances project in Southern and Eastern Africa’ (EELA Project). The EELA project is being implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in collaboration with EACREEE and SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) as executing partners.